Chicopee Hills School  Council Meeting

Tuesday October 17, 2017 at 6:30pm

Chicopee Hills – Learning Commons 

Traffic/Safety Concerns – Leslie Maxwell STSWR Rep 15 Min

Role of Council –  Lee Anne & Brooke 15 min

  • Introduce council members
  • How will council function?
    • Based on legislation
    • School reps needed
  • Voting Members
    • Voting member cards for each meeting.

Committees –  Brooke                                    15 Min

  • Establish a list of committees
    • Examples
      • Fundraising **
      • Events
      • Book Fair
    • Set-up volunteer lists

Curriculum Contribution – Lee Anne & Staff 15 Min

  • HERO and WITS
    • Program review
    • Parent/student input essential

Fundraising Projects – Lee Anne & Brooke 15 Min

  • Playground plans, Immediate Need: Sport Jerseys
  • Interactive Activity:  What projects could our fundraising support? What do families want to work towards – rocks, pathways, more trees etc?