On Wednesday, April 13th GRCI will be hosting an Open House from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. The purpose of this event is to welcome our community back into the school. Many of the families of our students have never been allowed into the school as a result of our COVID 19 protocols.

This evening will include an open house, guided tours and some timed opportunities to connect with our guidance and administrative staff. In order to plan this event we are asking if you complete this form with your name and intention to attend. We look forward to seeing you in person for the first time in a long time!

This event is intended for the families of grade 8, 9 and 10 students however it is not intended to be exclusionary. Families of older students are also welcome. Please note that not all staff will be in attendance. There will not be a formal opportunity to discuss student progress with individual teachers.

Please click here to register for this event.