Students will be learning more about how to be a HERO this year. We will be hosting a kick off assembly for our HERO Generation Project before the holidays.

HERO & GEM Traits include:

H ope                     G ratitude

E fficacy                E mpathy

R esilience            M indfulness

O ptimism

These traits are helpful for students and our school in order to promote a safe and high performing school environment.

Developing and supporting these traits will form the foundation of our anti-bullying strategy. Every class has a weekly class meeting, and through discussion and activities, we will continue to work on the the HERO and GEM traits throughout the year. Each month, we will focus on one trait. In November/December, Chicopee Hills will be focusing on EMPATHY. This is a great link to our week of giving. Parent information about the HERO Generation project is provided in the link below.

Parents Welcome Flyer